Is Rebounding Better than Walking?
Walking helps the body in a number of ways including strengthening joints and burning calories. But arguably walking can only be done at a low to moderate intensity. If you want to explore other low impact exercises, then rebounding might be the option for you.
But is rebounding better than walking? Rebounding is better than walking In terms of burning calories. Your chances of weight loss rebounding is far superior than walking. On a 30 minute rebounding session you are likely to burn a significantly more amount of calories than you would walking for 30 minutes.
Ready to start your rebounder weight loss journey? Try out our 8-week rebounder program!
For the best rebounders, check out our latest reviews. This is also my personal favourite here:
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This weight loss tool has grown in popularity offering a suitable low impact workout at a similar intensity. Let’s look further into which is better overall and why.
Walking vs Rebounding
Healthy adults should be getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, according to American College of Sports Medicine. This can be spread out in 30 minute sessions over a 5 day period.
Both walking and rebounding offer significant benefits. If you are looking at supplementing your current workout routine or looking for a brand new one, both options offer a low demand, heart raising activity.
They are a low impact exercise so you can exercise without added stress on your joints. Rebounding for a short period of 10 – 15 minutes per day is sufficient enough for you to achieve the minimum required exercise similar to walking. Both you can perform at your own comfortable level and increase the intensity as required.
Both are accessible for all ages and exercise levels. Practically anyone can rebound and walk depending on pre existing health conditions. But the point is that for a beginner these are both great ways to get an easy exercise routine into your daily life.
Here’s a great visual comparison of the benefits of rebounding compared to walking or jogging:
Not only this but they are relatively inexpensive – walking is free! You can buy a good quality rebounder for as little as £30 which is cheaper than other more expensive home exercise equipment.
Calories Burned Rebounding vs Walking
Calorie burning is a benefit from walking and rebounding. If your goal is to lose weight the being in a calorie deficit should be top of mind. Rebounding and walking are among the easiest ways to burn calories at a low intensity and for short periods. As long as you supplement this with a balance, low calorie diet so you don’t undo the physical activity you have performed.
As you can see these exercises offer some great health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, but let’s discuss the differences, see if rebounding is better than walking and which is better for you to achieve your health and exercise goals.
Walking in Place on a Rebounder
Rebounding is stationary, although you can make this a dynamic movement with the way you jump around it’s still considered a stationary exercise. You generally stay in the same place throughout. So if you are someone that prefers exercise where you are on the move then rebounding might not be for you.
But although a stationary exercise rebounding does burn more calories than walking. Typically a rebounding workout of 30 minutes will burn a significantly more amount of calories than a 30 minute walk.
For those looking to increase calorie deficit and accelerate fat loss then walking alone may not be suitable, rebounding is far more beneficial. With this in mind, rebounding can be intense.
Although both rebounding and walking engage similar muscle groups rebounding puts slightly more stress on the joints and muscles. But a bonus with rebounding is you can do this at your own level, you don’t need to start with 30 minutes straight away, start slow and build up!
One drawback with rebounding is the cost. Arguably you can find yourself a cheap entry level rebounder but you still need to fork out for one.
They are certainly worth this investment with the benefits they provide but if you just don’t have a budget to invest in a rebounder then walking will be for you. Just remember that to get the same amount of calories burned from walking, you need to do about 11 times more work than rebounding!
If you are now sold on the rebounder, this is my personal recommendation:
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Is Rebounding Better Than Running
Although both exercises offer a number of health benefits, rebounding offers a lot more. Firstly, it activated the lymphatic system through increased G force. Improving the lymphatic circulation in the body is vital but rarely considered when looking at benefits of exercise.
Lymph movement removes toxins, other body waste from the cells and cleanses each cell keeping the immune system in good condition. The circulation of lymph which is a colourless fluid, enhances with each muscle contraction.
Visualise the rebounding movement where you are repetitively contracting on each bounce. This is why rebounding is considered one of the best exercises for enhancing the lymphatic system.
NASA reported that rebounding improves your muscle, bone mass and improves your balance. This is something you simply can’t achieve from walking alone. This is because the rebounder offers several exercise variations you can perform such as jumping, running and walking.
Walking in Place on a Rebounder
Everyone has different goals and health requirements. Although rebounding is proven to be a better overall exercise tool in comparison to walking you might find walking more enjoyable.
It doesn’t have to be either walking or rebounding, you can combine both physical activities to give you some variety with your exercise routine. For example you could walk for 20 minutes as a warm up then hop on the rebounder at a moderate to high intensity for 10 minutes. This gives you your 30 minute of recommended daily exercise.
Alternatively you can even walk on the rebounder, which is just walking on the spot. This way you get the advantages of both.
An ex-triathlete, fitness coach and writer with a Masters in Sports Physiology. Fitness is my passion and I've had my fair share of home fitness equipment tried and tested!