Can Rebounding Lower Blood Pressure?

The best rebounders offers many health benefits, you might be wondering, can rebounding lower blood pressure? The short answer is yes, it can. But it’s worth looking in more depth as to how it does this and why it’s beneficial for your health.

So that’s exactly what we’ll do in this article. We’ll examine the benefits of rebounding for blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and look at potential risks regarding rebounding and hypertension.

Can Rebounding Lower Blood Pressure? Rebounding can lower blood pressure because, at its core, is an aerobic activity. Cardio, as it’s also known, forces the heart to work harder. In turn, it then becomes stronger and healthier, meaning it can pump more blood with less effort. This means your blood pressure decreases.

This is a fairly basic answer to the question. To understand things in a bit more detail, we’ll first look at blood pressure and hypertension before discussing rebounding in more detail.

What is Blood Pressure?

Simply put, blood pressure refers to the amount of force your heart uses to pump blood around your body. It has 2 measurements, which you’ll probably know if you’ve ever had your blood pressure checked. These are:

·  Systolic pressure: Your heart pushing blood out (the top number)

·  Diastolic pressure: Your heart resting between beats (the bottom number)

So, if your blood pressure is 140/90, it means you have a systolic pressure reading of 140 and a diastolic pressure reading of 90. The unit of measurement is millimetres of mercury (mmHg), a standard measurement of pressure.

Your ideal blood pressure measurement changes as you age. However, for adults, a healthy reading is 120/80 or less. Of course, you don’t want it to go too low (under 90/60), as this means you have hypotension.

Older adults can suffer from a condition called isolated systolic hypertension. It means their systolic reading is high (over 130), but their diastolic reading is low (under 80). This happens because the arteries harden, meaning the heart must work harder to pump blood around the body.


Hypertension should be fairly obvious already, particularly if you understand what hypotension is. We call high blood pressure “hypertension”, and it covers any reading above 130/80. But it also refers to readings where only one number is high – the other one can still be in a normal range.

As you can imagine, hypertension is linked to numerous conditions. These include:

·  Being overweight

·  Smoking

·  Bad diet

·  Gender (post-menopausal women often have high blood pressure)

·  Race

·  Too many medical conditions to mention

Of course, the most effective way to manage hypertension is with medication. But you can help your blood pressure, regardless of age, by doing aerobic exercise regularly.

Rebounding and Blood Pressure

As mentioned, rebounding helps lower blood pressure because it’s an aerobic activity. This is because aerobic activity elevates your heart rate, causing it to circulate more blood around your body. In turn, your heart works harder and gets stronger, meaning it can do more with less effort.

can rebounding lower blood pressure

One study found that rebounding had a major improvement on the subjects’ blood pressure measurements. The readings dropped from 128/80.5 to 121/71. It might not sound like much, but it’s much closer to a healthy reading than it was at the beginning of the study.

Of course, this sort of result isn’t unique to rebounding. You could look at any cardio exercise and see improvements to blood pressure, body fat measurements, and more.

But the difference with rebounding is that it’s very low impact, meaning there’s almost no impact stress on your joints. As such, you get all the benefits of working your heart and muscles without any damage to your joints.

Potential Risks of Rebounding with Hypertension

While rebounding can help lower your blood pressure, it’s worth considering the risks first. If your blood pressure is particularly high (180/100 or more), you could do more harm than good. Granted, this isn’t unique to rebounding but is true of all cardio exercises.

First, exercising with high blood pressure puts a lot of stress on your heart and cardiac muscles. Your blood pressure increases when you exercise anyway, as you need more blood to keep your muscles working. But if it’s already elevated, you could start hitting dangerous levels.

Hypertension also increases your risk of poor circulation and blood clots, which aren’t ideal when you’re working your body.

But what can you do about this? Well, the first step is to talk to your doctor. If you know you’ve got hypertension, chances are you found out from them. Check what they recommend, and consider speaking to a fitness professional, too.

Does Rebounding Lower Blood Pressure?

The bottom line is that rebounding and all forms of exercise lower blood pressure. Make sure you start small (e.g. 5 minutes a day) and work your way up. Again, a fitness professional would be best to guide you through this.

With lowered blood pressure, this increases blood circulation which reduces the buildup of varicose veins.

Rebounding and Blood Sugar

While we’re on the subject of blood, let’s look at the effect of rebounding on blood sugar levels. As you might already know, elevated blood sugar is linked to conditions such as diabetes.

Luckily, exercises such as rebounding can help regulate your blood sugar levels. One study found it was beneficial for people with diabetes, but also as a way of managing the risk of developing the condition.

Again, this is because it’s an aerobic exercise. Cardio workouts lower blood sugar levels because your muscles use the glucose.

After all, it’s what it’s there for. By extension, using blood sugar helps regulate your insulin levels, making the whole system work better overall.

Is Rebounding Good for Blood Pressure?

Rebounding is an effective way of managing blood pressure levels. Although you could use any aerobic exercise, the benefit of rebounding is that it’s low impact and actually quite fun.

However, if you knowingly suffer from hypertension, or any other risky medical condition, be sure to get advice from a doctor before starting. While rebounding is low risk, it’s not completely risk free.

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An ex-triathlete, fitness coach and writer with a Masters in Sports Physiology. Fitness is my passion and I've had my fair share of home fitness equipment tried and tested!