Negative Side Effects of Rebounding
As a general rule, there aren’t many negative side effects of rebounding. However, the actual answer depends on your overall health and fitness and your use of proper form.
If you are still in the considerations of buying a rebounder, check out our comparison article on the best rebounders.
There are various situations in which using a rebounder might not be great for your health. But what are the negative side effects of rebounding? The only negative side effects of rebounding can be Increased pelvic floor problems, but this is only if you have pre existing pelvic floor issues.
Ready to start your rebounder weight loss journey? Try out our 8-week rebounder program!

Side Effects of Rebounding
Let’s look at some of the side effects of rebounding and the most frequently asked questions about rebounding.
Can Rebounding be Bad for You?
Rebounding is a generally low-risk exercise. It can be bad for you if you’ve experienced certain medical conditions in the past, but we’ll explain these in more detail below.
One of the main benefits of rebounding is that it’s low-impact when compared to something like running. However, the rebounder trampoline does still cause some impact on your joints, despite it absorbing most of the force.
If you need a form of exercise that’s as low-impact as possible, you might be better with something like a mini stepper or mini elliptical. Alternatively, swimming is about as low-impact as you can really get.
Is Rebounding Bad for Your Spine?
On its own, rebounding doesn’t cause any negative effects on your spine. In fact, some studies have shown that trampoline exercises can improve bone density and structure. So, from that perspective, rebounding can be beneficial for your spine.
However, you should avoid rebounding if you suffer from an existing back or spine condition. These include:
· Sciatica
· Trapped or pinched nerves
· Osteoporosis
Rebounding stretches and compresses your spinal tissue. As such, it can cause damage to already damaged areas or make existing conditions worse. It also puts pressure on the discs in your back, which can also make existing problems worse.
The bottom line is that rebounding isn’t bad for your back, providing it’s healthy. If you suffer from any back conditions, consider a different form of exercise. As always, speak to your doctor before getting on a rebounder just to make sure.

Is Rebounding Bad for Your Organs?
There’s no evidence to suggest that rebounding is bad for your organs. After all, your organs are fairly well protected inside your body and you have nothing to worry about from most forms of exercise (other than contact sports).
You might have questions about specific organs, but we’ll likely cover these in the rest of the article. As a general rule, though, rebounding is perfectly safe for your organs.
Is Rebounding Bad for Your Brain?
Rebounding isn’t dangerous for your brain from a physical perspective. Much like your other organs, it’s fairly well protected inside your skull.
If we were to ask this question about rebounding, we’d have to ask it about every other form of exercise that forces you to move (which is a lot of them!).
From a mental perspective, rebounding can be very good for your brain. It helps improve what’s known as your gross motor skills. In short, these are your primary motor skills that control things such as walking and balancing.
Most exercises help improve your coordination, and rebounding is no different. Making different parts of your body move together forces your brain to work, and the bouncing nature of a trampoline forces our vestibular function to kick into overdrive.
This is the system that controls our special positioning, so bouncing around really gives it something to do.
One way to get a decent workout for your motor skills is to focus your eyes on a fixed location as you bounce. Doing so helps with your visual coordination because your brain has to process the fixed point versus your moving body.
Is Rebounding Bad for Your Joints?
One area that’s really worth thinking about is your joints, particularly your knees and ankles. While rebounding is low-impact, any remaining impact will be absorbed by these joints.
Again, we can think about it in relation to the current condition of your knees and ankles. Rebounding is generally safe for your joints, providing they’re healthy.
It can be a good form of exercise for those with conditions like arthritis, but make sure you speak to a doctor before trying it for yourself.
That said, the real answer depends on the quality of the rebounder. A high-quality rebounder will provide the correct level of elasticity to stop your joints from taking most of the strain. Also, a quality rebounder will last much longer without stretching or sagging.
On the other hand, a cheap rebounder will warp much quicker. Over time, this can affect your form and posture, increasing the chances of injury. You might also find that a cheap rebounder has less bounce, which could put more strain on your joints from the outset.
The other thing worth noting is your posture. After all, you could have the best rebounder money could buy and still cause an injury if you use it incorrectly. Be sure to bend your knees when landing and understand that most of the exercise comes from the landing rather than the jump.
If you’ve never used a rebounder before, it might be worth trying one out at a gym. An instructor could then give you tips on your form to ensure you’re using it correctly at home.
Is Rebounding Bad for Prolapse?
Rebounding is generally a good exercise for preventing prolapse. It helps stimulate and strengthen the muscles in this area, keeping everything toned and in place.
However, it’s best avoided if you already suffer from prolapse, particularly extreme cases. While it’s a low-impact exercise, the jumping nature could definitely make existing problems worse. So, in short, use it as a preventative measure rather than a cure for this condition.
Is Rebounding Bad for Your Pelvic Floor?
Rebounding is a great exercise for maintaining pelvic floor strength for everyone. It’s a common exercise for women, although men can also benefit from improving their pelvic floor strength.
A weakened pelvic floor is much more common in women because of childbirth. The outcomes are also more extreme in women – one of the most common is uterine prolapse, but it can also cause urinary incontinence.
Rebounding helps strengthen and tone the muscles in your pelvic floor. It’s also good for your bones, so it’ll help your hips. However, rebounding alone isn’t usually enough to work your pelvic floor, as you’ll need some way to work the specific muscles.

The easiest way to do this is by bouncing with a ball squeezed between your legs. This will work the muscles in your inner thighs and pelvic floor rather than just the muscles you’ll use for bouncing.
Although it should already be obvious, make sure you check with a doctor before jumping into this routine (no pun intended).
Is Rebounding Bad for Your Bladder?
While we’re in the area, let’s talk about the bladder. Overall, rebounding isn’t bad for your bladder, much like your other organs. With the right training, it can help improve conditions such as incontinence, which is linked to your pelvic floor (in most cases).
However, it’s worth noting that those with incontinence might have accidents while rebounding due to the bouncing nature of the exercise. Start with short, low-intensity workouts and build up as your muscle strength grows.
Is Rebounding Bad for Muscle Imbalance?
Poor posture or repetitive movements can sometimes lead to muscle imbalances. It’s particularly common (and noticeable) in backs and shoulders.
If you look “wonky” when standing up straight, there’s every chance you have a muscle imbalance.
If this is the case, rebounding isn’t the exercise for you. The proper form requires things such as a straight back and holding your upper body correctly. Of course, if your muscles are out of balance, you could cause yourself an injury without meaning to.
Luckily, muscle imbalances are generally fixable using exercises such as yoga or swimming. It’ll be worth speaking to a professional and getting this sorted before hopping on a rebounder.
Side Effects of Trampoline Jumping
It might sound like trampoline jumping and rebounders are potential minefields for those with existing medical conditions. This isn’t the case, though, as they can be great for everything from muscle strength to coordination.
Compared to running, rebounding is much gentler on your body. However, as mentioned, it’s not the lowest-impact exercise out there. You’ll find others (such as mini steppers) that offer many of the same health benefits as rebounders but without the impact on your lower joints.
Also, the movement associated with rebounding (i.e. jumping) can take some getting used to. It’s always best to start small and work up to higher-intensity exercises. Consider getting some help at a gym before rebounding at home.
Are Rebounders Dangerous?
All gym equipment can, when used improperly or operated incorrectly, pose risks to the people who use them. Rebounders, though generally a safe and fun way of keeping fit, come with their own set of risks that are worth considering before you hop onto one!
A general, straightforward answer to the question of are rebounders dangerous is ‘No, not really’ – but that doesn’t mean that working out on one comes risk-free. Jumping up and down on a trampoline can go awry if you’re not ensuring that you’re exercising in a controlled way and in a controlled environment.
Some accidental injuries that can occur when using the rebounder are sprains caused by landing unevenly or awkwardly. Falling over, although unlikely, could also cause you to knock against the frame or the surrounding floor. People who have suffered significant back, head, or neck injuries should also be cautious when using a rebounder, and seek professional medical advice prior to jumping on one.
However, whilst there are undoubtedly some risks of accidental injury, any so-called ‘danger’ can be dramatically minimised by taking small but sensible steps before, during and after each workout.
is rebounding bad?
Rebounding certainly isn’t bad but an obvious hazard when using a rebounder is losing control and falling off it. To minimise the risk of this happening at all, always start off slow and low, before building up to more advanced exercises. Beginners should start off walking or running on the spot to get a sense of the balance and tension of their rebounder.
When starting out, particularly if you know you may have issues with balance and poise, it may be worth using a model that comes with small hand rails. You could even consider attending a rebounding class at your local gym in order to start under the trained eye of fitness advisors.
Remember, if switching from a rebounder at home to a rebounder elsewhere, you may find the tensions slightly different. Always take time to get used to a new rebounder before trying anything too challenging on it!
Taking it ‘slow and low’, particularly in the beginning, will certainly reduce the chance of you experiencing an unfortunate slip. However, for added safety, always position your rebounder on a soft surface rather than hard floor.
Make sure you’re clear from any hard-edged or potentially painful objects, so that if you do happen to topple off you don’t end up hitting or jarring your body on something that could seriously damage it!
Finally, children should always be supervised when using mini-trampolines of any kind, and very young children should not be allowed to use it at all. Kids, though they can certainly benefit from hopping up and down, are unlikely to have the same sense of self-control as adults.
Nor are they going to have a good sense of their own limits!
As with any exercise equipment, a rebounder designed for adult workouts is not a toy. Used maturely, sensibly, and with plenty of space however, it is unlikely to prove a serious risk. Most rebound enthusiasts go their entire lives without a rebound-related injury!
Effects of Rebounding
The bottom line is that rebounding is a generally safe form of exercise. Aside from falling off the trampoline, there’s not much you could do to injure yourself.
That said, it helps to be healthy to begin with. Make sure you speak to a doctor before starting rebounding if you have any concerns about how it might impact your health.
An ex-triathlete, fitness coach and writer with a Masters in Sports Physiology. Fitness is my passion and I've had my fair share of home fitness equipment tried and tested!