Bungee vs Spring Rebounder – What’s the difference?

Rebounding is an effective and fun way to burn calories while protecting ligaments and joints. There are two types of rebounders available, these are spring and bungee. Choosing the right on for you depends on what you are looking to achieve from rebounding.

If you’re looking for the best rebounder trampoline, check our comparison article. But is the difference between a bungee vs spring rebounder? The main difference between a bungee and spring rebounder is the bungee rebounder offers a quieter and higher bounce. This is because the bungee cords are elasticated, in comparison to steel springs these provides a much deeper and gentle bounce.

Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of spring and bungee rebounders so that you can make an informed decision on the best one for you.

Ready to start your rebounder weight loss journey? Try out our 8-week rebounder program!

Bungee or Spring Rebounder?

Lets first look at each type of rebounder for you to determine which is best for your circumstances.

Bungee Rebounder

What is a Bungee Rebounder?

The other type of rebounder trampoline you can buy is a bungee cord. This connects the rim to the mat with flexible, sturdy and silent cords as the name suggests.

DARCHEN 400 lbs Rebouonder Trampoline for Adults, Mini Trampoline for Adults Indoor Exercise Workout Fitness, Small Bungee Rebounder, Quiet and Safely Bounce [40 Inch]

Bungee Rebounder Benefits

The beauty of this type of structure is it provides a much deeper and gentle bounce in comparison to the spring rebounder. This protects and supports the ligaments and joints on impact with the mat.

Not only is this a more superior choice for your joints but this also allows for more resistance on the muscles as the mat takes all of the impact. Working the muscles harder means burning more calories.

Another benefit of rebounding on cords is that they last longer. They tend to be much sturdier and reliable than spring rebounders keeping maintenance minimal. As well as a much quieter bounce, which is perfect if you can’t stand a rebounder being loud while exercising.

Here is the best bungee rebounder I recommend:

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Spring Rebounder

What is a spring rebounder?

This type is considered a more classic design with its older technology, the rim ties the mat to the rebounder with steel springs. The better models come with padded covers on the springs.

Spring Rebounder Benefits

spring rebounder, bungee vs spring

This type of design has a number of benefits. Primarily they tend to be more widely available and more affordable than a bungee cord mini trampoline.

They provide a firmer bounce which simulates a harder surface for exercise. For example a harder surface would be jogging on flat ground.

Although it’s a firmer bounce it still provides much less impact than running on hard ground. Spring rebounders are still a great alternative for beginners who want to start rebounding or find jogging too difficult on their joints.

Here is a useful video on some of the differences between the two types of rebounder:

Spring Rebounder Drawbacks

In comparison to bungee rebounder, the spring does have a firmer bounce which is more impactful on the joints. The short suspension on the steel springs offers far less elasticity, meaning each bounce is much smaller.

One benefit of this is that people who suffer from motion sickness won’t feel sick while rebounding because they aren’t jumping as high. But having a firm bounce is one of the biggest issues with spring rebounders, particularly if you have joint problems.

Stamina 36 Inch Folding Mini Trampoline - Smart Workout App, No Subscription Required - Small, Spring-Free Fitness Rebounder for Adults

Using the bounce on a rebounder is where you are suppose to experience the biggest benefit if you have joint problems. Although these might be a good alternative to high impact exercises like running, it’s still firm on the knees and ankles.

Spring rebounders also tend to be lower quality and less expensive. People using this type will find they have to replace the equipment more frequently. Or even repairing the steel springs when they break.

I recommend this spring rebounder:

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Size Comparison

The larger of the two is the bungee rebounder. This generally measures taller and wider in comparison to spring. If you are taller the bungee might be a better choice. But it’s important to consider headroom.

Although smaller, the springer rebounder is more compact and easier to travel with. The majority of spring rebounders can be folded up and stored away which makes it ideal for home use if you haven’t got much room or you like to exercise on the go.

The bungee rebounder on the other hand often isn’t foldable, some offer the benefit of removing the legs so it can be stored away flat. But it isnt as easily transportable as the spring rebounder.

This type of rebounder is ideal if you are setting it up in a spot and don’t plan on moving it.

Spring vs Bungee Rebounder for Lymphatic Drainage

Our lymphatic system is significant in maintaining our well being both physically and mentally. Building a strong immune system is helped by keeping it free from blockages.

Compare the immune system as our bodys drainage system which drains toxins that are built up within the cells. Lymph fluid contains toxins which are filtered and cleaned by our lymph nodes.

In order for the lymph fluid to flow freely it relies on the muscles and joints to contract and relax to keep our body toxin free. This is where you would consider using a rebounder for lymph drainage.

But, it’s important to note that it doesn’t matter which type of rebounder you use, whether it’s bungee or spring, it will drain your lymphatic system. Rebounding produces rhythmic tension and relaxing of the muscles which helps move lymph fluid.

Therefore it is the rebounding movement that helps lymphatic drainage, not the mat type.

Bungee Rebounder for Lymphatic Drainage

Rebounder Bungee or Springs?

For the reasons given above it’s a no brainer – bungee rebounders offer all of the benefits of a fitness trampoline without the drawbacks of the spring rebounder. If you have joint problems then I wouldn’t consider a spring rebounder due to its firm bounce.

Although the spring is more compact and can be stored away easily I would invest in the higher quality bungee if your budget allows.

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An ex-triathlete, fitness coach and writer with a Masters in Sports Physiology. Fitness is my passion and I've had my fair share of home fitness equipment tried and tested!