Does Rebounding Get Rid of Varicose Veins?
Have you noticed the darkening of the veins on your legs or spider veins visible on your feet? You may not like how these veins look; they don’t cause any symptoms or problems in most cases. But may cause tremendous pain or discomfort in some people.
But does rebounding help with varicose veins? Rebounding can be an effective activity for treating varicose veins because rebounding helps to prevent blood clotting in your legs. Although this doesn’t cure varicose veins, but people have vouched for it as it does help them in alleviating the pain and in improving circulation.
Nerves or veins form an essential part of our circulatory system. Veins are blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the body to the heart. The deoxygenated haemoglobin in the venous blood makes it appear dark in colour.
Veins are part of the afferent wing of the circulatory system, which returns blood to the heart. Once the blood receives oxygen, the blood again regains its red colour.
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What are Varicose veins? What may cause them?
When the veins under your skin surface get swollen or enlarged, they are called varicose veins. Varicose veins are usually visible on the legs and feet. These form because the valves on the veins get damaged or weak. They may be blue or dark purple. They are often lumpy, bulging or appear twisted.
Some symptoms of varicose veins include pain, heavy and uncomfortable legs, swollen feet and ankles, burning sensation in the legs, and muscle cramps, particularly at night. Warm weather might cause a flare-up in the symptoms. Also, if you have been standing /sitting in one place for a long time or are obese, you are most likely to develop varicose veins.

Women are more affected by varicose veins than men because female hormones tend to relax the walls of veins. When the walls relax, the valves are more prone to leaking. The valve function is altered when blood circulation to the lower extremities is weak.
The veins struggle to send blood back to the heart continuously. The blood accumulates in them, making them seem gnarled, pushing them out from the skin’s surface.
These are usually visible on the back of the legs. If the vein walls become too weak to sustain the blood travelling to the heart, they expand and blood pools, causing more straining.
If a close family member has varicose veins, then there is a high chance that you might also be susceptible to having varicose veins, which means that genetics has a role to play. As you age, the veins in your body start to lose their elasticity, and the valves inside may stop working altogether.
So age is another factor that may cause varicose veins. In women, the impact of body weight on the development of varicose veins appears to be much more, especially in the case of women who gain a lot of weight during pregnancy and are unable to lose this excess weight.
Such women are prone to develop varicose veins as well. Having seen the causes of varicose veins there are many ways of treating them. Physical activity and medical intervention can help in tackling this condition.
You can purchase specialised cream like this one that are made to support varicose veins:
This article determines if rebounding benefits varicose veins and what points we need to consider before starting rebounding exercise.
Does jumping on a trampoline help with varicose veins?
Physical activity is a great way to increase blood flow and achieve good vein health.
Rebounding or jumping up and down on a trampoline can be an effective activity for treating varicose veins. Rebounding helps to prevent blood clotting in your legs. Although this doesn’t cure varicose veins, but people have vouched for it as it does help them in alleviating the pain, lowering blood pressure in improving circulation.
The lower extremities of the body are far from the heart leading to the veins in the legs getting swollen. And because of the distance, it becomes even more difficult for blood to flow back to the heart from such places.
The calf muscles play an essential role here. They are sometimes called the ‘Second Heart’ of the body. The muscle is called the soleus muscle, which is a bulky muscle present on the back of the lower leg. This muscle continuously contracts and relaxes during regular activities like walking or running.
While rebounding when you mainly target the calves improves the vein cells, increasing vein strength and maintaining a healthy blood flow. The little spider veins dissolve after a few weeks of rebounding up to 5 minutes every 4 to 5 days.
Rebounding helps in keeping your weight under control. If you are overweight, there is extra pressure on your veins. Such veins have to work harder to send the blood back to your heart, making them more prone to leaking.
A rebounder creates a pumping action, and as the individual rebounds repeatedly, gravity, acceleration, and deceleration are the forces which act upon every cell of the body at once. This builds the cell strength, and consequently, their function improves. The legs contact the rebounding surface, the pumping action generates a positive pressure in the calf muscles and throughout the legs.
Studies have shown that rebounding for about 6 to 8 minutes is as good as running a kilometre, though much easier and more enjoyable. That being said, are there any disadvantages of rebounding exercise?
The truth is, it all depends upon the intensity of our workout. Usually, people assume that varicose veins are caused by running, leaping, or high-intensity exercise, but this is not true. While soft rebounding is certainly not strenuous for our veins, intense workouts may cause them to swell.
It is advised that our readers must listen to their bodies and adjust their workout routines accordingly. Some studies have shown that people having higher muscular tone are linked to unhealthy veins.
While exercises such as rebounding can help treat varicose veins, but in many cases, medical intervention is required. Sclerotherapy, compression therapy, or laser treatment are some of the treatment options available.
Lastly, it can be said that rebounding regularly will help cure varicose veins, especially when the valve function or circulation hasn’t been affected severely. While we suggest this exercise, one must consider all the important risk factors and accordingly make a personalised workout plan for maximum benefits.