Does Rebounding Help Hair Growth?
Rebounding has grown in popularity as a wonderfully simple, fun and energizing way to keep fit, lose weight, and improve mood. People all over the world are finding their inner child with mini-trampolines, both at home and at their local gym class, and discovering new, unexpected health benefits in the process.
Could one of these benefits be helping hair to grow more healthily? Might rebounding regularly be an effective method for guarding against hair loss?
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Can rebounding help hair growth? There is some evidence to suggest that rebounding, by boosting circulation and encouraging cell repair, could lead to a healthier head of hair and a reduction in hair breakage. There is also plenty to suggest that rebounding can help improve mood, reduce stress, and promote better mental wellbeing.
Since hair loss can sometimes be linked to poor mental health and periods of high stress, rebounding regularly may well be a good way of helping promote hair retention and production.
Let’s look in more detail about why this might be!
Is Rebounder Good For Hair?
What do we need in order to keep our hair healthy? As well as a balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients, we also require a healthy flow of blood to the scalp.
Our hair follicles, in order to keep hair growing healthily, need a regular supply of nutrients and oxygen, both of which are carried throughout our body via its circulatory systems.
Hairs are formed in repeating cycles. When a new hair shaft forms, in what is called the anagen phase, it is then nourished via the blood. Healthy hair can continue to grow for anywhere between two and eight years!
In order to keep this process ticking along, you need a healthy circulation and a good flow of nutrients.

Rebounding has been shown as an effective way of boosting circulation throughout the body. This helps circulate nutrients, regenerate old cells, and keep the different extremities of the body well nourished. Your scalp is no exception!
It should be noted that cardio exercise doesn’t necessarily make your hair grow directly. However, keeping fit, maintaining healthy circulation and good mental wellbeing will all help to ensure that natural hair growth cycles remain uninterrupted.
It is also worth noting that, whilst moderate, regular exercise is good for hair, as well as cell growth and repair throughout the body more generally, extreme exercise regimes coupled with crash dieting can lead the body to lose hair prematurely.
Thats if you don’t want to invest in expensive treatments like this:
Telogen Effluvium is a condition in which hair follicles prematurely enter into a dormant stage as a result of certain nutrient deficiencies. This can also be caused by stress, something that we’ll be touching upon shortly.
When it comes to your physical fitness routine, make sure if you’re increasing your rebounding you’re giving yourself enough nutrients and minerals to keep things balanced and healthy!
Rebounding For Hair Loss
For many people, hair loss is a natural part of ageing, but there are various factors that can influence its pace. Amongst men, one frequent cause is an excess of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. If too much DHT is produced, male pattern baldness can occur.
Exercise such as rebounding can help balance out the amount of DHT in the body. Regular aerobic workouts, such as those afforded by a mini-trampoline, can help regulate hormones more generally, and can help to control DHT production. This, in turn, can slow the progress of certain types of hair loss.
It’s also common folk knowledge that stress can result in you losing your hair, though most people don’t quite know why this is! Essentially, certain types of chronic stress, both physical and mental, can result in the hair follicles going offline.
This can, after some time, result in hair breaking prematurely or not being replaced once it falls out naturally.
High levels of cortisol, sometimes referred to as the ‘stress hormone’, can also inhibit hair growth and put a stop to routine hair follicle activity.
Rebounding is increasingly coming to be viewed as a great way to reduce stress, improve mood, and introduce a bit of youthful joy into daily life!
In this sense, it can also help protect against stress-related hair loss and, in conjunction with boosting circulation and blood flow to the scalp, may well help hair follicles to continue functioning in a healthy way.
An ex-triathlete, fitness coach and writer with a Masters in Sports Physiology. Fitness is my passion and I've had my fair share of home fitness equipment tried and tested!
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