Using The Elliptical While Pregnant – Is it Safe?

Stay fit for your baby by learning how to use an elliptical while pregnant. Exercise forces your brain to release endorphins, which puts you in a healthier state of mind, increases your muscle strength, and augments your endurance. In particular, cardiovascular workouts deliver oxygen and nutrients through your body, boosting your energy. 

But can I use the ellitpical while pregnant? You can use the elliptical while pregnant because the elliptical cross trainer is considered a low-impact, full-body exercise similar to the natural movement of walking or running. With a little exercise each day, pregnant women can reduce their risk of depression and increase their metabolisms.

Can a Pregnant Woman Use The Elliptical?

Most pregnant mothers wonder if the elliptical remains safe to use during pregnancy. The best part of an elliptical pregnancy workout is that you can use it for the entire nine months.

The cross trainer proves quite safe during pregnancy because you can control the speed, resistance, and length of your workout without pushing yourself too far and overdoing it. 

During the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, working out on an elliptical while pregnant remains safer than many other popular exercises. For example, using an elliptical instead of a treadmill reduces the amount of shock your body absorbs. A low-impact elliptical machine also makes it less likely that you suffer a fall and endanger your baby. 

using the elliptical while pregnant

Is It Safe to Use an Elliptical While Pregnant? How to Use Properly

Pregnant women should stay mindful of their bodies while performing any type of exercise. Always consult with your gynecologist before starting a workout regime or if you start to feel any discomfort. 

A cross trainer workout improves your cardiovascular endurance while toning your legs and tightening your arms. An elliptical machine represents the best alternative to walking, running, sprinting, or stair climbing. To safely use an elliptical during pregnancy:

  1. Carefully step onto the oversized pedals 
  2. Hold onto both handlebars
  3. Find your balance
  4. Press the ‘Start’ button or begin pedaling 
  5. Pedal at your own pace
  6. Avoid locking your knees
  7. Increase resistance as needed
  8. Avoid high speeds
  9. Stop by first lowering the speed
  10. Avoid overexertion

The Benefits of Using an Elliptical While Pregnant

Exercising with an elliptical machine while pregnant offers several benefits. To avoid unnecessary harm to your body or your baby, you must consult with your doctor and take any suggested precautions. Some of the benefits of using a cross-trainer while pregnant include:

  • Prevention of excessive weight gain
  • Back pain relief
  • Reduced pelvic pressure
  • Increased blood volume
  • Prevention of varicose veins
  • Increased circulation
  • Lessened swelling
  • Reduced risk of pregnancy-related health problems
  • Boosted energy levels
  • Heightened tolerance for childbirth

Is The Elliptical Safe During Pregnancy?

An elliptical trainer improves cardiovascular endurance through aerobic exercise. It is perfectly safe to use during pregnancy. You can use an elliptical every day while pregnant because it does not involve dangerous bodily movements.

However, pregnant women should keep a few things in mind while working out on a cross-trainer. Some guidelines for using an elliptical machine during pregnancy include:

  • Wearing loose-fitting clothing
  • Starting slow
  • Performing warm-up exercises
  • Drinking water to stay hydrated 
  • Maintaining proper posture
  • Taking cooldown periods and rest breaks
  • Gradually increasing the level of workout
  • Stop when needed to prevent stress on your body and the baby
  • Wearing a heart rate monitor to control the intensity of your workout 

Some of the warning signs and symptoms you should look out for while you are using an elliptical machine during pregnancy include:

  • Excessive increase in body temperature
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Light-headedness
  • Trouble with speech
  • Pain  

Alternative Training While Using an Elliptical During Pregnancy

Water Aerobics

Like using the elliptical while pregnant, water aerobics remains safe throughout all stages of pregnancy. Water creates a soothing effect on the body, reducing pressure on the spine and pelvis. Water aerobics also increases blood circulation, providing valuable nutrients to the baby even during the third trimester.


Pilates serves as an excellent exercise for pregnant mothers. You can start with a basic, light workout in the early stages of pregnancy to build muscular strength and endurance. Try alternating between pilates and an elliptical workout during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. 

Pilates concentrates on initiating movement from the core, which prepares pregnant women for delivery and helps them with their post-pregnancy recoveries. 

Prenatal Yoga 

Relax your body and improve flexibility with a prenatal yoga workout. Prenatal yoga helps pregnant women by developing deep-breathing techniques, which serve as some of the most important tools during childbirth.

The idea behind prenatal yoga centers around preparation for childbirth by reducing stress, improving circulation, and building endurance for labor and post-pregnancy healing.

Elliptical and Pregnancy Stages

Elliptical and First Trimester

Regular exercise maintains the balance of both body and mind. Elliptical use in the first trimester provides similar benefits to walking or running without the risk of harming the baby.

Avoid sports such as riding, climbing, and diving at all costs. Since the body can still move freely in the first trimester, it remains advisable to avoid any shock to the body, which could lead to a miscarriage.

Elliptical and Second Trimester

Women in their second trimester still have a lot of energy. An elliptical machine allows women in their second trimesters to focus that energy into an effective cardio workout without putting excess pressure on the abdomen. You can add prenatal yoga, pilates, and water aerobics to your workout routine if you find that you still have leftover energy. Doing so will help develop stability of the body and mind.

Elliptical and Third Trimester 

Women in their third trimester often suffer pregnancy pains in the back and groin. The discomfort tends to increase as the baby continues to grow.  Women at this stage in their pregnancies tend to experience mood swings, intense cravings, and fluctuating energy levels. 

You should always listen to your body and participate in more relaxing exercises at this late stage. Working out on an elliptical during pregnancy not only destresses the body but also stimulates the mind, creating more positive feelings.

Women can use the elliptical machine post-pregnancy to regain their range of motion and fitness levels.

Elliptical and Pregnancy – Final Thoughts

The elliptical proves quite safe during pregnancy because you can control the speed, resistance, and length of your workout without pushing yourself too far and overdoing it. 

During the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, working out on an elliptical trainer while pregnant remains safer than many other popular exercises. For example, using an elliptical instead of a treadmill reduces the amount of shock your body absorbs. A low-impact elliptical machine also makes it less likely that you suffer a fall and endanger your baby. 

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